Ayurveda: how to find out your body type

Learn about the ancient Indian discipline and find out what characteristics, or doshas, dominate in your body.

Note: we strongly advise you consult your doctor before trying any new kind of eating regime.

In the February 2015 issue of delicious., chef and food writer Anjum Anand explains how she lives according to the ancient Indian philosophy of Ayurveda – an approach that had a marked, positive impact on her health and which governs all aspects of life, from how much you sleep, to everything you eat and your general wellbeing.

It’s a complex subject, but if you want to take the first steps, this guide will help you identify which characteristics, or doshas, dominate in your body – in each case, tick the answer that applies most to you.

Every person has all three doshas within them, so you’ll find yourself ticking boxes in all three columns, but ultimately one or two will dominate. Once you’ve identified your dominant body type, or dosha, you can see below to find out what that means and read more about Ayurveda, if you like.