How to spatchcock a chicken

Spatchcocking a bird ensures even cooking in less time than cooking it in the usual way. It creates a greater surface area for marinades to soak in and a bigger area to crisp up.

  1. With good kitchen scissors, snip off the wing tips and leg knuckles at the joint.

  2. Turn the chicken breast-down and, starting at the parson’s nose (the arrowhead-shaped tail-end), cut along the backbone to the neck on one side. Repeat down the other side, then remove the backbone.

  3. Turn the chicken over and, with the heel of your hand, press down firmly on the centre. You’ll hear the wishbone snap and the chicken will flatten out.

  4. If you need to, point the thighs inwards (so the chicken is doing a Charleston), then roast at 200°C/180°C fan/gas 6 for about 45 minutes or until the juices run clear when you pierce the thickest part of the thigh with a skewer.

See recipe for spatchcocked chicken here