Stop, Cook, Listen: the delicious. campaign

Turn off the TV, set aside phones and iPads: it’s time to dine unplugged. How much better to tune 
into the people around you over a plate of great food?


Make time for at least one weeknight when you don’t eat in a rush, TV on, phone by your side. Don’t get stressed if it’s just not possible today, though – there’s always next week…

Prepare a recipe you’ve been meaning to try – find lots of inspiration here and in the magazine.


Choose a simple recipe but make it from scratch and with care. It takes the same amount of time to cook something disappointing as it does to cook something great.

Get in touch with the physicality of cooking – the way a sauce feels as it reduces and thickens, or the aromas when onions or garlic are cooked just-so. Let your senses be your guide.


Make the meal a catching-up occasion that centres around the food. If you’re trying a new recipe, involve the people who’ll be eating it to help choose what you have. Each week you could take it in turns to choose.

Take a few extra minutes at the end of the meal to sit and chat or relax rather than leaping up and clearing the table straightaway, even if you’re dining alone. It’s all about enjoying the moment.

See all of our Stop, Cook, Listen recipes here.