The delicious. staff reveal their desert island food

If you were stranded on a desert island, what’s the one edible (or drinkable) thing you’d want to take with you? The delicious. team reveal their choices…

Editor Karen chose parmigiano-reggiano because a) she’s just a little bit addicted to it and b) it would be a good ingredient for jazzing up the things she’d forage on the island, ready to cook over a campfire on the beach. Making the fire could be a problem, though… Where’s Bear Grylls when you need him?

Editorial assistant Daisy figures a little bubbly would be perfect since she won’t last long in the wild and would like to go out in style. Once finished with the bottle, she’d send a message for help.

Food Editor Rebecca decided on Greek yogurt because it tenderises meat, makes everything taste better and will help soothe sunburn.

Deputy food editor Lottie chose lemons as part of her grand plan to make a spear out of a tree branch, fish in shallow waters, and grill her kill along with a sparky lemon dressing.

Acting food writer Monique is a (self-confessed) excellent fisherwoman so she chose to take along the perfect pairing to grilled fish: olive oil. Also good for moisturising hair after long days in the sun…

Art editor Martine would take tomatoes to this imaginary island. She loves that they go with practically anything, can be eaten raw or cooked and are jam-packed with vitamin C. They’ll be no scurvy on Martine’s island!

Acting art director Mark is sentimental in his choice. Pork pie, he says, tastes like home. He explains that since that’s all he’ll have to eat, he won’t have to worry about being there too long.

Deputy chief sub editor Hugh will take along avocados because of how nutrient and calorie-dense they are. He also plans to catch plenty of prawns, from which he can whip up a prawn and avocado salad. If he bumps into Martine on the island they could make some guacamole together.

Web intern Sophie was practical in her approach. She would take peanut butter because it’s high in energy, filling and will go well with the bananas on the island.

There’s little practicality in web intern Kat’s choice. Croissants are simply her favourite food – if she’s going to be stranded, she wants to indulge.

Web producer Becs has made an eggcellent choice. After she hunts down a wild island pig (yeah right) she’ll have plenty of bacon to go along with her eggs.  She also plans to use the egg whites as conditioner for her hair. Wise woman… Just because you’re stranded doesn’t mean you can’t look fab.

Straightforward and fuss-free is publishing director Adrienne’s style. She’ll take gin and crisps because she likes drinking gin and she can never tire of eating crisps. Well done, Adrienne, well done.

What’s the one food you would take? Let us know in the comment section below.