Three cheers for spuds

Let’s hear it for the potato. Its reputation as a high-carb comfort food just doesn’t do it justice – potatoes offer a number of benefits and we offer a number of delicious potato recipes.

Potatoes are…

  • Surprisingly high in immune-boosting vitamin C – as a nation 15% of our vitamin C comes from potatoes.
  • Packed with nutrients, especially if you eat the skin too. A jacket potato contains almost a third of your recommended daily intake of folate and is a good source of vitamins B1 and B6.
  • A source of chemicals called kukoamines, which may help lower blood pressure according to scientists at the Institute of Food Research.
  • Almost fat-free. A medium-sized baked potato will set you back only 160 calories – as long as you give the butter a miss!
  • One of the ‘greenest’ crops – for the same amount of water, potatoes produce more edible calories than rice, wheat or maize.