Northumberland Cheese Company

PRODUCER: Northumberland Cheese Company, Northumberland

PRODUCT: Northumberlandia
REGION: North East 

CATEGORY: From the Dairy (Artisan)


Sheep farmer Marc Robertson founded the Northumberland Cheese Company in 1984, and today the business produces 18 kinds of farmhouse cheese. 

These products boast exceptional provenance, with milk being sourced from the Blagdon Estate where the company is based. The team are proud to support their local dairy farmer by providing a fair price per litre, as “this allows us to maintain the precious close proximity that we have to our milk supply”. 

Full traceability is ensured for any special milk used, including sheep’s milk from Lancashire, goat’s milk from Cumbria and Jersey milk from less than 20 miles away in Stockfield. The company make an effort to share these values by running tours of their premises for visitors.

Championing the North is at the heart of the business and the team believes that “This is never more evident than with the creation of our Northumberlandia cheese”. The mild, crumbly cheese, with a tart and creamy finish, is named for the local landmark the Lady of Northumberlandia on the Blagdon Estate. 

The cheese’s black wax coating reflects the stone and coal materials of the public artwork, and also evokes the tradition of coal mining in the North East. A proportion of profits from this cheese is donated to maintaining the landmark. 

The Northumberland Cheese Company say this product “symbolises important elements of Northumbrian Heritage and landscape, and is the perfect cheese to sum up the Northumberland Cheese Company’s ethics”.


The judges highly rated Northumberlandia’s relation to the region through ingredient sourcing, name and presentation, and felt the business’s entry provided a real sense of provenance and heritage. The dairy’s hard work in a tough market was admired, and the panel liked the idea that this passion is shared with visitors.