Ramsay of Carluke

PRODUCER: Ramsay of Carluke, South Lanarkshire
PRODUCT: Traditional Aryshire Bacon
REGION: Scotland
CATEGORY: From the Field (Artisan) 


Ramsay of Carluke’s Traditional Ayrshire Bacon has an impressive heritage, having been produced using the same methods and cure by five generations of the family for almost 160 years. The company, established on the family’s farm, has been on their current premises since 1903.

Only outdoor bred female pigs have ever been used, today ‘Farm Assured’ and from RSPCA or SSPCA accredited farms, and Ramsay of Carluke pay their farmers a bonus above market price for every pig to ensure their suppliers prosper. 

The business has a strong presence in the local community, sponsoring local schools and organisations, and hosting a Food and Music festival on their property in October. The event champions local produce, with regional businesses selling their products and competitions for baking and jam making.

For over 20 years the company have supplied meat to a local high school’s MasterChef-inspired competition and also support a primary school’s cooking club, enabling children of all ages in the region to benefit from understanding local food and butchery. In celebration of Scotland’s history, every January haggis is donated to any primary schools that wish to provide a Burns Night supper for pupils.


The judges praised the company’s engagement with the local community and its support for other businesses, reflecting Ramsay of Carluke’s “evident passion” for what they do, and commended their effort in “keeping a Scottish traditional cure alive in this excellent product”. 

VISIT THE WEBSITE:  ramsayofcarluke.co.uk