We love knobbly veg!

The scuffed, dirty bumpy ones taste just as good (sometimes better) than perfectly formed fruit and veg, buffed to a shine. What’s not to love?

Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that the majority of fruit and veg displayed on shop shelves looks like something from a produce competition: perfectly formed and buffed to a mirror shine? No wonder, then, that so many British shoppers now see knobbly, dirty, scuffed produce as the second-class citizens of the fruit and veg world.

But shout this loud: it tastes the same!

We’ve long been supporters of knobbly vegetables. We started campaigning for supermarkets to change their buying habits way back in November 2010. We even had a gallery of images showing your weird and wonderful home-grown fruit and veg.

Just take a look at these beauties…

Now, five years later, it’s great to see that Jamie Oliver has joined in the campaign with a new line of wonky vegetables at Asda – keep an eye out for their ‘beautiful on the inside’ range. Asda says their own research suggests 75% of shoppers would buy ‘wonky’ fruit and veg if it was cheaper than regular produce. That makes sense to us.

Since the launch of our campaign, other supermarkets have started selling less pretty veg at cheaper prices, but more needs to be done – it’s time to revive our celebration of knobbly veg.

So go forth shoppers, embrace the knobbly, misshapen produce and, once you’ve bought them, use them to make one of our knobbly veg recipes.