What to do with leftover Earl Grey teabags

Earl Grey is a popular, quintessentially British tea, commonly served with fresh lemon or milk. Find out how you can use Earl Grey teabags here.

Recipes with Earl Grey teabags

How to use up leftover Earl Grey teabags

  • Earl Grey custard
    When making custard, add earl grey teabags to the milk as it’s warming to infuse. Remove them before continuing with the recipe. This would also work well to flavour the custard base for ice cream.
  • Earl Grey buttercream
    A few hours before icing a cake, melt the butter for making the buttercream. When melted, add an earl grey teabag and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then remove the teabag. Put the butter in the fridge to firm up the consistency of softened butter, then use in the icing as you would normally.