What to do with leftover gruyère

Gruyère is a hard cheese, named after the town Gruyères in Switzerland. It has a strong taste and adds depth of flavour to savoury dishes like tarts and pies. Find out how you can use up leftover gruyère in your cooking here.

Recipes using gruyère

How to use up leftover gruyère

  • Cheesy pastry
    Grate 50g gruyère, then gently knead into a simple shortcrust pastry recipe before chilling (search deliciousmagazine.co.uk). Use to top pies or as a base for quiche.
  • Savoury croissants
    Heat the oven to 200°C/180°C fan/gas 6. Halve day-old croissants lengthways, stuff with thin slices of gruyère and a few pieces of ham, then bake for 8-10 minutes until warm and the cheese has melted.
  • Croutons for soup
    Heat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/gas 7. Tear large pieces of sourdough and put on a baking sheet. Spread a little red onion chutney on each piece of bread, then top with grated gruyère. Bake for 4-5 minutes until golden. Serve on top of soup.