What to do with leftover mace blades

Mace is the feathery coating that grows around the outside of a nutmeg seed, which is then peeled and dried. Use leftover mace to delicately enhance your dishes.

Recipes using mace blades

How to use up leftover mace blades 

  • Better bechamel
    For added flavour, put in a mace blade along with the bay leaf when making a béchamel sauce.
  • Beefed-up stock
    Add complexity to homemade chicken and meat stocks by including a blade of mace with your other seasonings.
  • Spice up sweets
    Whizz a mace blade in a spice grinder or pound with a pestle and mortar, then add to vanilla sponge cake mixes, fruit cake batter and gingerbread dough for a delicate hint of spice. It’s also good in ham glazes.