Lodge Farm

Producer: Lodge Farm, Essex
Product: Lodge Farm Honey
Region: Eastern England
Category: From the field, primary
What they do:
It took months for the Martin family behind Lodge Farm to create what they believe to be the perfect honey, with a flavour and provenance that reflects the natural abundance of their small arable farm in Earls Colne near Colchester and the surrounding Essex countryside.
The honey is cold-filtered, produced in two small batches – spring and summer – and delivered directly to customers by foot or bicycle. This year will see 16 acres of bee-friendly red and white clover introduced to the fields surrounding the hives to provide them with forage, and they are also positioned directly within easy reach of the farm’s wildflower, hay and willow meadows. The bees are fed if necessary – Lodge Farm’s beekeeper checks them regularly throughout the year – but the honey is not tweaked or flavoured.
The family is passionate about educating people about honey bees, the versatility of honey and its health benefits via social media and outreach work: providing honey gift sets to local charities for competition prizes and, next harvest, donating mini jars of honey for each pupil to their local school.
What the judges said:
The judges admired the family’s commitment to education and outreach within their community, and their investment in abundant natural forage for their bees by planting clover. 

Visit the website:  Lodge Farm