What to do with leftover cooked potato

Whether you’ve steamed, mashed or roasted your spuds, there’s often some left in the dish or pan at the end of a meal. Emily Gussin is here to give leftover cooked potato a new lease of life with these delicious, food-waste-fighting ideas…

Store them right

Move the uneaten potatoes to an airtight container that’s just large enough. When cool, add the lid and pop in the fridge. Use within 4 days or freeze to use later.

Patty party

Potato cakes are a great use-it-up dinner. Mash the spuds (if not already mashed). Add small chunks of ham, tinned or smoked fish, roast veg or chicken. Next, stir in spices, herbs and mustard/harissa/curry paste. Season well, then mix in a little beaten egg and flour. Shape into patties and  chill briefly (or freeze for later) before frying until golden and hot throughout. Serve topped with an egg.

Make a hash of it

Upgrade your breakfast with a fry-up hash. Cut the leftover potatoes into small chunks and fry with oil until crisp. Add chopped bacon or smoked tofu and continue frying, next add some chopped mushrooms, then spinach. Make hollows with the back of a spoon and crack an egg into each. Sprinkle with parsley, season and serve with ketchup or hot sauce.

Try adding red onion and kale to your leftover hash


Salad staple

Boiled or jacket potatoes are the ideal base for a lunch salad the next day. Cut into bite-size pieces, then assemble the hardy salad items in an airtight container. By hardy, I mean things that won’t go limp left in dressing overnight – tomatoes, peppers or beetroot are great. Then make the dressing, pour it over, cover and leave in the fridge overnight for the flavours to mingle. The next day add the rest of the veg and salad leaves to make a full lunch.

Quick thickener

Leftover mashed potato makes a great thickener for soup or stews. Add some of the liquid from the pan to the potato in a bowl, mix in, then pour back into the pan and stir to combine.

Take a look at our leftover lunch recipes for more ideas and inspiration.