What to do with leftover toasted hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are rich in nutrients and used to add texture and flavour to savoury and sweet dishes. Find out how you can use up leftover toasted hazelnuts to your dishes here.

Recipes using toasted hazelnuts

How to use up leftover toasted hazelnuts

  • Nutty pasta fix
    Gently heat 100g toasted hazelnuts in a little oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Add a small handful of chopped fresh parsley and a squeeze of lemon juice, then remove from the heat. Roughly chop the nuts, then scatter the mixture over the pasta before stirring in your favourite pesto.
  • Brownie upgrade
    Sprinkle toasted hazelnuts over brownie batter before baking. Find a classic brownie recipe at deliciousmagazine.co.uk.