How to make the perfect omelette

It’s a simple dish, but so easy to get wrong. Here’s how the chefs do it.

  1. In a small bowl, whisk 3 free-range eggs with plenty of salt and pepper, adding a few chopped herbs if you like.

  2. Melt a knob of butter or heat a splash of olive oil in a large non-stick pan over a medium heat. Tilt the pan to coat it in the butter or oil.

  3. When the pan is hot (the butter will be foaming), pour in the eggs and swirl the pan to cover the base.

  4. Using a spatula, gently draw the eggs in from the sides. Swirl the pan again so the uncooked egg fills any gaps. Loosen the pan by lifting up the edges with the spatula.

  5. When the egg is almost cooked and the underside is golden brown, fold the omelette in half. The top of the omelette should still be verging on runny- you don;t want it to be solid and rubbery. Slide on to a warm plate to serve.