Homemade chicken stock

This is a base recipe for a brown chicken stock – endlessly versatile and ready to add bags of flavours to sauces, stews and all manner of other dishes. If you’re after a lighter white stock, skip the roasting and frying in steps 1-3 and simmer everything gently in water.

Try it in this nourishing turmeric chicken noodle soup with chard.

  • Makes 500ml
  • Hands-on time 15 min. Simmering time 4 hours, plus oven time 40 min


4.2g (trace saturated)
0.6g (0.6g sugars)

delicious. tips

  1. Variations…
    This master stock will work with anything, but here are a few ideas to tweak it for particular dishes or cuisines:

    Vietnamese-inspired: make a white stock, then return it to the pan with 1 tsp coriander seeds, 1 fresh chilli sliced open, 2 bashed garlic cloves, a few slices of ginger, 1 bashed lemongrass stick and a handful of coriander stalks. Simmer for 30 minutes, strain, then season with a dash of fish sauce and soy sauce.

    Chinese-inspired: make a white stock, then return to the pan with a few slices of ginger, 2 roughly chopped spring onions, 2 dried red chillies, ½ tsp sichuan peppercorns and 1 star anise. Simmer for 30 minutes, strain, then season with a dash of soy sauce.

    Umami-boost: make a brown stock, but add 30g dried mushrooms and a sheet of kombu seaweed after the water has come to the boil and you’ve skimmed away any scum. Add a halved fresh tomato for the final 30 minutes before straining.

    Booze-infused: make a brown stock but add 300-500ml red wine, port or marsala before you add the water. Simmer until reduced by half, then top up with cold water to cover and continue as normal. Woody herbs like rosemary, thyme and sage plus a pinch of juniper berries are a great addition too.


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