What to do with leftover Turkish chilli flakes

Also known as aleppo chilli flakes, this spicy ingredient is made from dried, ground peppers. It has a medium heat – making it milder than regular chilli flakes – and a sweet aroma.

Discover what to do with leftover Turkish chilli flakes, here.

Recipes using Turkish (or aleppo) chilli flakes 

How to use leftover Turkish chilli flakes 

  • Spicy dressing
    Combine chilli flakes with Greek yogurt and chopped fresh basil and parsley.  Mix in 2-3 parts olive oil to 1 part lemon juice to form a creamy dressing, then toss through salad.
  • Chilli eggs
    Stir a pinch of chilli flakes into scrambled eggs with crumbled feta and chopped fresh basil.
  • Meat marinade
    Mix chilli flakes with extra-virgin olive oil and crushed garlic.  Use to marinate chicken, lamb or beef for at least an hour before cooking.