Guaranteed cures for Blue Monday
Today is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year: it’s the third Monday in January, famous because research shows that, when the alarm goes off, more people dive back under the duvet than on any other day.

Who knows why we all find it so depressing. Perhaps because Christmas is a fading memory, New Year’s resolutions are wearing thin, dry January and diets (either or both) are fraying the edges of the communal temper – and the weather has the potential to be grim.
Apart from escaping outside for a brisk walk and vitamin D fix, I have a prescription to beat the January blues. Even if you’re trying to shed festivity-induced pounds, put that aside for just one day and try one of these recipes.
The fondue gratin, pictured above, is the best mood medicine ever invented in the kitchen. Then, later, settle down to watch something guaranteed to transport you to another place.
Here are my beat-the-January-blues top five:
Mystic Pizza
Fried Green Tomatoes
Big Night
Failing that, if you haven’t already, discover this addiction that’s completely fat, alcohol and sugar free (perfect antidote to a bad commute).
Or maybe make some brownies or a cake – for someone else. All the recipes are delicious (of course!) and foolproof, not to mention simple to make. Happy Monday!
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